"A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take."

I found this quote somewhere, and it resonated deeply with me. Today happens to be my mom’s birthday, so here’s to you, Mom – Happy Birthday, sweetheart…πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚

She’s the most important woman in my life, always there for me through thick and thin, unwavering in her belief in me. Whether it was navigating through life’s challenges or sharing moments of joy and laughter, she’s been my rock. I vividly recall our days in Imphal, just the two of us, while my dad was away on duty and my sister doing her bachelors . We’d spend hours chatting about everything – her stories from the past, family anecdotes, and even some well-kept secrets. It’s a treasure of memories that I cherish, knowing things about her that even my sister doesn’t.

She’s not just a mother; she’s my confidante, my pillar of support. I’ve shared my deepest fears and darkest secrets with her, from my college crushes to my adventures. I’ll never forget the time I called her at 5 am, heartbroken over a breakup, and she set aside her own tasks to listen me. Mom, your unwavering support means the world to me.❀️

I consider myself fortunate to have her – she’s not just a mother but also my best friend and mentor. So, on this special day, let me share the second β€œTab” of my life – The Blurred Memory.

"It's always the worst quality videos with the best memories."

The Blurred Memory

This statement is so true, especially when I think about one particular memory from my school days. My mom happened to be a teacher at the same school I was in, adding an extra layer of closeness to our bond. We’d take the same school bus together and share laughs and good times together amidst the daily chaos. 🚌

For eight years, Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 in Lamphelpat, Imphal, served as the backdrop to our shared experiences and memories. And on my last day of school, during the farewell ceremony, we created a memory that remains engraved in my heart. πŸ’–

I had carefully mapped out my farewell speech and chosen my outfit with great attention to detail, but my mom had a surprise waiting for me. She insisted on presenting me with the farewell gift onstage, a gesture that filled me with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Intent on making the day unforgettable for her, I devised a plan to surprise her with a dance performance.

Despite my lack of dancing skills, I secretly practiced whenever I had the house to myself. With the help of a few trusted friends, I managed to keep the surprise under wraps until the big day arrived.

As the ceremony unfolded, the moment arrived for my mom to present the gift. Little did she know, I was about to turn the tables and surprise her in front of the entire school. The mixture of shock and joy on her face as I danced my way to her side is a memory I’ll always treasure. Though the video quality may be poor, the warmth of that moment remains crystal clear in my mind.πŸŽ₯✨

This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone, teaching me the power of stepping into the unknown. Mom, your love and support have given me the courage to embrace life’s uncertainties, one dance step at a time.

Happy Birthday, Mom. Thank you for being my guiding light, my confidante, and my greatest source of love and inspiration.🌟🎈

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